Heartworms: A Silent Threat
Heartworm disease is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. This means that dogs and cats can be at risk, even if they spend most of their time indoors. Heartworms live in the heart and lungs of infected animals, and without prevention or treatment, the disease can be fatal. The good news is that heartworm disease is preventable. Year-round prevention is the best strategy to keep your pet safe from this silent threat.

Fleas: More Than Just an Itch
Fleas are tiny pests that can cause big problems for dogs and cats. For starters, they make our pets itchy and uncomfortable, but they can also cause skin infections, and allergic reactions, and even transmit other parasites (like tapeworms). Plus, fleas can quickly infest your home, making them challenging to eliminate. Regular, year-round flea prevention can prevent infestations in your home and, more importantly, keep your pet happy and healthy.

Ticks: Small Pests, Big Risks
Ticks are tiny arachnids that can transmit diseases like Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and ehrlichiosis to our pets. They can be found in many outdoor environments, including your own backyard! Protecting your pet with year-round tick prevention helps reduce the risk of tick-borne diseases and keeps them safe during their outdoor adventures.